Office Pool Pickem Pools, Survivor Pools, & March Madness Pools

Website Security

Bulletproof Databases

You can make picks on our site with confidence as our database security is bulletproof. Our databases are kept on separate servers than the website server and access is restricted to only a handful of IP addresses. The database server itself at the root level is also restricted to specific IP addresses. These features make our databases impregnable.

The only way picks or standings can be changed is by the manager of the pool. All manager changes are logged in the Manager Change Log that all players can view on the Settings -> League Settings page.

Redundant Databases

Our site employs an additional standby database server that is immediately updated with any changes to the main database server. Therefore, if the main database server goes down or crashes for any reason, all player picks should be available on the standby server. If the main server cannot be brought back online in a timely manner, the standby server will take over with virtually no player picks lost (except for the very rare possibility that the player was submitting their picks at the time of the outage).

Member Passwords

Player login passwords are encrypted and not visible to anyone, be it a manager or website Admin. If a player forgets their password, they will need to use the forgot password link to change their password. Managers can also change a player's password for them, but they can never see a player's password.

How can My Pick be Changed?

The only way a player's pick(s) can be changed is by the player or by their league manager. As mentioned above, managers viewing or submitting picks for other players is logged in the Manager Change Log that all players in the league can view. The only risk to the player is someone else logging in using the player's login credentials, so its up to the player to use a good password.


All pick transactions are logged and visible to the manager. On the rare occasion where a player claims that their pick was changed or it does not match their pick email, the manager can look up all pick transactions including the time the player landed on the picks page, the time when the submit button was hit, and the email log showing all emails sent to the player. In the history of the website there has never been a single case that wasn't a user problem (typically the player either forgets they changed their picks, or they landed on the picks page and forgot to hit submit).