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Adding a player after the start of the season

 Started by William Denton on Sep 10, 2016 at 5:11 AM

 William Denton
The Commissioner
Age: 61
9 Posts
Posted Sep 10, 2016 at 5:11 AM


I have a friend who did not register or get his picks in before the Thursday night deadline.  Is there a way to add him to our league and give him a loss for the Thursday Night game and allow him to pick the rest of the Week 1 games.  I tried to "Add a Player" under Manager Controls, but when I filled out the information and clicked "Add Player" nothing happened.  Thank you again for your help


 Fred Williams
The Commish
Age: 62
850 Posts
Posted Sep 10, 2016 at 9:18 AM
Quote William Denton wrote:
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I have a friend who did not register or get his picks in before the Thursday night deadline.  Is there a way to add him to our league and give him a loss for the Thursday Night game and allow him to pick the rest of the Week 1 games.  I tried to "Add a Player" under Manager Controls, but when I filled out the information and clicked "Add Player" nothing happened.  Thank you again for your help


Hi Bill... All of the above are doable as the league manager. I just tested the Add Player feature and it worked for me. Can you try it again and make sure you fill out all required fields? If you leave the age field blank for example, it will show a red asterisk but I can see someone missing this. Once the player is added it will automatically take you to the Standings page and you should see them there. The person will also receive an email at the email address you specify letting them know they were added and also givens them their login info. Once added, he should be able to make picks, and will automatically be given a loss for the Thursday night game. 


"I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers!"