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Late Player Additions

 Started by Brandon Woodcock $2 on Sep 10, 2015 at 4:21 PM

 Brandon Woodcock $2
Commish $2
Age: 43
1 Posts
Posted Sep 10, 2015 at 4:21 PM

Currently I have a couple players cloned in order to get their picks in as a Manager. They are unable to get to a computer till weel 2. Can these players still sign up for my league and am I able manually submit their picks for a past week? 


Looks like I posted in the wrong area. Please move if you need to.




 Fred Williams
The Commish
Age: 63
160 Posts
Posted Sep 10, 2015 at 4:50 PM
Quote Brandon Woodcock wrote:
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Currently I have a couple players cloned in order to get their picks in as a Manager. They are unable to get to a computer till weel 2. Can these players still sign up for my league and am I able manually submit their picks for a past week? 


Looks like I posted in the wrong area. Please move if you need to.




Hi Brandon,

What you should do is create their account now. Remember the username/password for them, then login to their account, and then create clones for them (if they want clones), via the Settings -> My Settings page. Submit their picks this week for their main account and their clones. You can submit their picks either by loggin in as them, or better yet from your control panel so that it is recorded in the manager log that you made the picks.

You can allow players in a later week, but its a little messy. For one, they will immediatley be given a loss for the prior weeks. The way you get around this is editing their status from out-of-lives to active, which gives them ONE life. This is not recommended, it should be last ditch only.


"I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers!"